Monday, April 4, 2011

Advertisement and Hopefully a new Reviewer!

What's up guys? Comrade Kitty here with exciting news!

Recently, I've been helping out some of my best friends with a review series they've come up with called "Two Guys, One Film". Their show is about movies they've seen or consider great classics and give their own personal views on them. Their first video was on Sucker Punch and what they thought of the movie as opposed to what others have said about it. The actual video of the review isn't quite ready yet, even though we said the due date would be Sunday. Right now, all we have is the blooper reel up that I chopped together; though I could probly get another small blooper reel out of all the takes we did.

So, please go to and look for Two Guys, One Film. If the search bar is giving you crap, here's the link:

Until then, stay tuned for more videos from them, and hopefully by this summer, I'll have my own review videos up on documentaries and history used in movies.


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