Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Deadliest Warrior - Season 1

Oh Gods... This... I can't... UGH! This show is a prime example as to why bros should never be given a TV show. Dear Lord... I'm not harping on the handicapped here, but are these men retarded? The level of stupidity that they men on this show have is just stunning. And the fact that the narrator calls them scientists is the highest of insults to the scientific community!

I have the scripts for these episodes already written and am slowly editing the episodes for use, but I will warn those who would like to watch these episodes I put out: They are not safe for work or around children. I didn't curse that much in my first review; these episodes would make a sailor blush with the amount of cursing I do.

Rage quit was very common when watching these episodes, and I honestly couldn't find nearly enough to do a "Right vs Wrong" bit for the reviews. So, I should have the first episode ready by the 1st, and I'll be away from the 4th until the 10th for Spring Break, so I'll get the second episode's filming done as well so I can edit it over the break.


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