Sunday, June 1, 2014

A very serious update

Well, it's been a while since I've actually done or said anything online; both socially and in a reviewers sense. It's been a very hard and emotional year for me, and this update is very hard to even share with people that I don't know (at all or very well) and with those that watch or have watched my videos.

Last year, something happened to me that I thought never would happen in my entire life, and it's shaken me to my very core and has changed me significantly.

I put too much trust into someone I was trying to help start a new life, and was hurt severely by that one person. He stole from myself and my roommate... and committed one of the worst acts a human could ever do towards another; and disappeared from my apartment like the spineless lowlife he is. And as a result, I withdrew into myself until very recently, though I'm still struggling with what occurred.

I'm not going to put his name on here (though he deserves to have his name blasted all over the Internet as a scumbag), but because I'm still scared that he's around my area, I'm not going to. He also has a Tumblr and something of a fan following (though nothing he produces is even his, so he doesn't deserve the fan following), and I don't want to be bombarded with hate mail from them.

Because I no longer feel safe in this area, I'm going to be moving back up north to live with my mom for a few months in NJ.

I'm not 100% back, and it's going to take me a long while until I feel myself again, if that's even possible at this point. But I'm working on being more active and trying to talk to friends again, because I miss those I spoke with on a daily basis.

~Dasvidania, Kitty

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