Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Part of The Level Zero reviewing site!

*points at title, smiles...then dies*
YES. I have been accepted to a reviewing site with my Komrade Kitty review series! >w<

It's definitely not as big as or Blistered Thumbs, but I'm still a part of a site, and that is monumentally huge for me, cuz I thought no one even bothered with my series. But I'm going to be helping the site out and getting its name out at Otakon and a few other places, so if anyone watches my series or follows my blog, please help me out. The guy that brought me in is super sweet and awesome and I want to help him out by getting the site's name out there. It's the least I can do after he took in my little dog and pony show.

That being said, come check us out at The Level Zero review site at :

So, more news is that I will be going to Otakon at the end of July. I will be dressing up at Komrade Kitty for the first day, getting as much footage as I can that day, and then I'll be cosplaying as Veronica from Fallout New Vegas the next day. Keep an eye out for me and if you recognize me, I will love you forever! ^_^ Seriously, I have the worst fucking time getting recognized at cons when I cosplay... >_>

Anyways, seminar will be finishing up just before I go to Otakon, so once I'm done with that, my actual reviews will be coming back. I might be able to get out Kitty's background story either at the end of this week or the next, cuz I have off and I'm up to date with seminar stuff, at the moment, so I'll try and get that out soon.

That's all I got now, so I hope to see some people at Otakon and I hope to see The Level Zero get more popular.


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